Speaker: Rev. Barbara Threet

The Ornaments’ Stories

So much of the holiday season has to do with the stories that various things bring to mind. Today we’ll explore one particular set of holiday (and life) stories.

Our monthly pot luck lunch and Congregation Conversation will follow this service.

Playing the Bad Hand

We don’t always get dealt the hand we’d like in life, and when we don’t, the question becomes: how will we play the hand we have?

Our monthly pot-luck lunch and Congregation Conversation will follow this service! Spaghetti and meatballs will be served; attendees are invited to … read more.

A Covenanting Congregation

New Member Sunday!

Our current UU principles and purposes start with these words, “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote…” This week, we’ll explore some of these words, and their history.

Our monthly potluck lunch and Congregation Conversation will follow this service. All … read more.

Starting Over, Again and Again

Life is full of beginnings large and small, and almost none of them exist without some influence from what came before. This Sunday, as we move back into the rhythm of the 2019-20 church year at UUCGF, we’ll reflect on what it means to start over, yet again.

Our … read more.

An Attitude of Prayer

What does prayer mean for Unitarian Universalists? Why would we pray, and if we do, when? What is prayer – a supplication, a bargain, an affirmation, a centering, an abdication, or…? We’ll consider these questions and more, using prayers from many traditions and times.

Our … read more.

What We Remember, and How

On this Memorial Day weekend we’ll reflect on how we UUs, who tend to object to at least many military actions, support those who have served in our military, and how we remember them.

Those ‘Wild Frontier’ Women

Annual Meeting following service. All members are encouraged to attend!

Back 150 years or so ago, when Iowa and Michigan were the ‘wild frontiers’ of our country, there were a few decades when most (yes, most!) of the Unitarian and Universalist ministers ‘Out There in the … read more.

Easter for UUs

For Christians the world over, Easter is the Most Important Religious Celebration. For UUs, a group of people most of whom don’t believe people can be raised from the dead (even Jesus), or that the death of one person saves humanity in any way, Easter … read more.

The Quest for Truth

“Truth” seems to have become a very fluid concept in these days of “alternative facts.” And yet, there are some Truths in life. How might we find them, name them, and claim them?

Striving Toward Sustainability

There’s a lot happening at UUCGF that’s very exciting – solar panels, potlucks, groups like Aging in Place and the Nipper Club, the Building Your Own Theology class, a much cleaner basement and kitchen, and the list goes on. Our challenge, and a challenge faced … read more.