Membership & Hospitality Committee

Present at the February 14th meeting were:  Rev. Barbara Threet, Julia O’Rourke, Lynn McDonald, and Jean Grant.

There are still several pots and pans in the kitchen that need to be returned to their owners.  Please look over those on the stoves and shelves and take home anything that’s yours. Thank you. 

The committee confirmed there will be a New Member Ceremony in the late spring.  Announcements will be made in the future inviting friends and new visitors. Anyone interested in joining UUCGF should contact Rev. Barbara Threet.

Lynn McDonald is working with a group of volunteers in Chestertown who are collecting clothing, household and personal care items for women in need of support.  Anyone who is interested in helping can contact Lynn at 518-494-8001 for more information.

The committee spent time discussing multi-cultural influences in our lives and how they relate to the world today. The committee also enjoyed sample gifts from around the world, while nourishing the connections in our community.

As always, the committee invites everyone to sign up to be a Greeter.  Members, friends, and first time visitors always enjoy seeing a friendly face welcoming them to join our Sunday services.   

Our next meeting will be March 13th at noon.

~ Jean Grant