Caring for One Another – With Food!

One of the ways that church members and friends can support one another is through offering help when illness or injury or tragedy strikes, and one of the most practical ways to do that is by providing meals for a few days. 

To that end, Rev. Barbara is establishing a list of people willing to make and transport a simple meal when needed, so that we can offer this support to each other. Then, when she learns of an illness, injury, or loss, she can ask if meals would be helpful and if so, she’ll contact those on the list to organize this service. We may not be able to offer as many meals as would be ideal for the recipient, and any of us may not be able to contribute in a given situation, but this is one concrete way we can ‘serve one another with love and compassion’, to paraphrase our Mission Statement.

If you’d be willing to be contacted to provide a simple meal, notify Rev. Barbara – and thanks to those who have already volunteered to be on the list! 

And the second part of this request: if you learn of someone who’s ill or injured or grieving who might appreciate meals for a few days, or who might appreciate a visit, card, or call, please let Rev. Barbara know. It is love and compassion – in action!