Membership Committee

by Krystyne Wozniak and Jean Grant

Elayne Leonelli suggested the committee remind all Greeters to make sure our guest speakers have a hymnal and copy of the Order of Service. A sign has been left on the greeting table.

The committee reviewed a list of guidelines / tasks from previous membership committees and updated, where needed.

The committee now has master letters to be used in the future for updating the directory. A special thank you to those who participated in this project.

A shelf in the office will be designated for the committee to store materials, including files, pamphlets, mailing materials, etc. A special thank you to Elayne for helping us to locate materials that have been stored in multiple locations. The committee is working to update UUCGF handouts and brochures to give to visitors.

Jean will continue to order coffee from Equal Exchange. A supplies list will be posted in the kitchen so Coffee Hour volunteers can notify the committee when items are needed.

The Membership Committee and the Building & Grounds Committee continue to organize and clean the kitchen to reduce the activity of our church mice, reminding everyone who uses the kitchen to use Lysol wipes on all surfaces before and after any food prep. Also, pre-packaged sugar and sweeteners should only be used – no loose granulated sugar. All food must be stored in plastic containers or in the refrigerator.

Due to the storm on January 20th, Barbara’s sermon and the Potluck will be rescheduled in the future.

The Membership Committee will meet again Thursday, February 14th at 12:00.