Speaking the Language of Trees

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It is easy to see why we love trees. We look like them, they feed and shelter us, and according to the 3000-year-old Scandinavian Poetic Edda, Yggdrasil, the world tree, stands at the center of the universe. Recent science shows they do, indeed, talk in a variety of ways. What are they telling us, how can we hear them, and how do we harness joy to combat the climate emergency?

Lâle Davidson has been a writer and teacher of writing for 26 years at SUNY Adirondack. Her magical realist stories have been published in a variety of places online and in print. About a year ago, after decades of trying unsuccessfully to publish her novel, she finally gave in to the voice that insisted climate activism was more important than anything else. As fate would have it, her novel, Blue Woman Burning, was recently accepted for publication.

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