Topic: Seasonal

Ingather Service and Water Communion

You are invited to bring a small sample of water from your various summer destinations to mix together for our traditional Water Communion ceremony. Zoom congregants will be able to participate from home by naming the sources of their samples and mixing them virtually and symbolically with those from thesanctuary. This will be a multiplatform service, held … Continue reading Ingather Service and Water Communion

Shared Summer Reading Service

Participants will express through poetry or prose what summer evokes in them. This will be a multiplatform service, held in-person and on Zoom. To receive a Zoom link by email, please contact us and send a request to be added to our mailing list.

Easter Thoughts

This will be a multiplatform service, held in-person and on Zoom. To receive a Zoom link by email, please contact us and send a request to be added to our mailing list.

A Kwanzaa Service

Zoom-only service. The Zoom link goes out by email every weekend. Please contact us to be added to our mailing list. Guest speaker Lee Braggs teaches us about the meaning and history of the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa.