Dr. Martin Luther King Commemorative Service
We commemorate the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. using some of Dr. King’s own expressive, inspirational words.
We commemorate the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. using some of Dr. King’s own expressive, inspirational words.
As we enter into winter, some congregants will share readings that reflect their spiritual views about this changing season.
The Worship Committee invites you to join us in listening to a recording of J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, either at UUCGF or on Zoom.
Our annual Christmas Eve service.
The Worship Committee will present a chapter from Bhante Wimala’s book Lessons of the Lotus. Bhante is a travelling Buddhist monk who has spoken at UUCGF in the past. We look forward to sharing his thought-provoking and inspirational book with the congregation.
As we enter into Autumn, some congregants will share readings that reflect their spiritual views about this changing season. The Worship Committee plans to have this type of service quarterly to contemplate and celebrate each season of the year.
You are invited to bring a small sample of water from your various summer destinations to mix together for our traditional Water Communion ceremony. Zoom congregants will be able to participate from home by naming the sources of their samples and mixing them virtually and symbolically with those from thesanctuary. This will be a multiplatform service, held … Continue reading Ingather Service and Water Communion
Participants will express through poetry or prose what summer evokes in them. This will be a multiplatform service, held in-person and on Zoom. To receive a Zoom link by email, please contact us and send a request to be added to our mailing list.
Presented by the Worship Committee. This will be a multiplatform service, held in-person and on Zoom. To receive a Zoom link by email, please contact us and send a request to be added to our mailing list.
This will be a multiplatform service, held in-person and on Zoom. To receive a Zoom link by email, please contact us and send a request to be added to our mailing list.