Annual Meeting

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Date(s) - May 1, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


On Sunday, May 1, members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls will meet on Zoom for our Annual Meeting to reflect on the past year and to consider our future. Friends are welcome to attend as well. This year we will be considering and electing both our congregation’s board members and officers. We will additionally be voting to approve the budget and consider some minor by-law amendments that reflect use of electronic mediums for meetings and voting. The Annual Meeting and agenda will be sent out via email several days in advance of May 1.

Please note! The New York State laws governing religious corporations have recently changed. As of January 2022, hybrid business meetings are no longer allowed. Business meetings, including Board meetings and congregational Annual Meetings, may be either electronic (online) OR in person, but not hybrid with some people participating in person while others participate via an electronic platform such as Zoom. Previously, hybrid religious corporation meetings WERE allowed, as a ‘NYS State of Emergency’ measure. Hybrid meetings are still allowed for the dissemination of information, sharing of reports, and voting on matters that are not “corporation business”. Please note that this new law is specific to religious corporations.

This means that our upcoming Annual Meeting will be held on Zoom following the worship service to allow for the greatest level of participation by congregants. To make an online meeting feasible, the worship service on May 1 will also be held strictly on Zoom!