Membership & Hospitality Committee

by Jean Grant

Present at the October 18th meeting were:  Rev. Barbara Threet, Steve Baratta, Lynn McDonald, Julia O’Rourke, Betty Noordsy, and Jean Grant.

Committee members finalized plans for the New Member Ceremony to be held Sunday, October 20th.  We’re excited to welcome the following to our UUCGF family: Rick and Karen Haas, Xanath Bailey, Beverly Lavick, and Miranda Kyhill.

The committee is also planning a Recognition of Long-Term Members who have been a part of UUCGF for 25 years or longer.  The ceremony will be held during services on Sunday, November 17th.  

The committee wishes to remind everyone who uses our building to make sure all food items are stored in the refrigerator or plastic bins on the shelves.  In addition, please label and date items in the refrigerator, and if possible, take home leftovers. Our goal is to have only one refrigerator operating to conserve energy. Thank you.

We now have a towel rack in the kitchen to hang damp towels.  This provides a cleaner space rather than spreading them out on counters where our church mice might stroll!

Andy Houtman will be stepping down from the Membership Committee.  We appreciate all that Andy has done for the committee in the past.

As always, anyone wishing to be a Greeter is asked to sign the posted calendar in the Fellowship Hall.  Members, friends, and visitors always enjoy a welcoming smile when they arrive.Our next meeting will be Friday, November 15th at noon.